Saturday, July 11, 2015

Petrified Forest National Park and Flagstaff, AZ

Thursday morning the plan was to leave as soon as I woke up.  The owner of the campground--while most likely completely benign--was a bit creepy and we decided it was prudent to peel out of there early without making a commotion. We had the car completely packed the night before so all we had to do was get our bodies in and roll.    Since A was sleeping in the car I just lifted the girls right in their sleeping bags from here...

.... and deposited them here, and we were off!  

Early morning horses in the road

After a couple of hours of driving, we arrived to the Petrified Forest around 8:30am

Painted desert

Bear pointing to the first big petrified log that we spotted

This picture shows pretty well the scale of how big these trees are.

Re-enacting that scene from Lion King...  *cue the music*

After we left the Petrified Forest we headed to Flagstaff for lunch, and then on to Williams, AZ

There's just something mesmerizing about a colorful train forging its way through the desert. 
In Flagstaff we met my friend Jody and her son for lunch.  The kids had fun playing in the corner of the patio, and discussing all things Star Wars.

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