Monday, March 2, 2015

Glaciar Grey

When we reached the park, we drove straight to Lago de Grey, as we had reservations for a boat ride out to see the glacier.  We ate in the sunny dining room at the hotel with jaw-dropping panoramas of the mountains.

View from the deck at Hotel Lago Grey
After lunch we made our way across the sand spit to the dock where we boarded the glacier-viewing boat.
Leaning into that infamous wind.....

 While waiting to board, we started chatting with some of the other passengers, one of whom currently lives in Punta Arenas, but is from Columbus, OH!  The girls got on like hotcakes with her girls and they had an enormous amount of fun on the whole trip.  It's been awhile since they had a chance to play with girls who speak English!

The glacier left me speechless.  The scale is so hard to grasp from the pictures, but I would estimate that from the water to the top of the ice at the edge we were viewing is around three stories in the shorter places, and four to five stories in the taller areas.  Just look at the pictures.....

Goodbye, beautiful glacier!  I'm so glad we got to see this before it disappears.  On the way back to the dock there was of course more fun with new friends.....

Saying goodbye was sad, but we're hoping we might actually hook up again later on in Santiago when they come up.  Fingers and toes crossed!  :-)

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