Friday, July 20, 2012

West Coast -- Walla Walla

Thursday morning we contacted some of our friends and family in WW to try to connect. I also picked up stuff from Andy's that we would want at our cabin in Glacier the next week. We had a lovely lunch at Olive in downtown WW, followed by a treat at the Colville St. Patisserie, and then went to visit the Boyds in the afternoon. Had a nice visit with Julie and Doris, and also chatted a bit with Lynn who is here for a month from Africa. He is trying to recruit me for a concert tour to Zimbabwe in a couple of months. I've been trying to make arrangements so that I can do it..... we'll see what comes of it. It sounds like it would be an amazing experience! Awesome dinner at Astri's, and a nice visit after the girls went to bed. Friday morning we were able to get together with Barb in the morning. She was really encouraging and helpful with regard to some entrepreneurial ideas I've been having. She also took us down and introduced us to the people at the Power House Theater. She is really gung ho about having me come and do a concert there. We also dropped by and visited for a bit with Brenda. Jerry came by on his lunch hour and Andy was there as well, so we had a nice time. The girls stayed with Astri in the morning, as she had offered to walk with them down to the duck pond. They had a very nice time together and were in great spirits when we returned. Ralph and Astri were very impressed with what awesome girls we have, and we felt very proud of them! After another lovely lunch with Ralph and Astri, we packed up and drove to Spokane. Found a great place for dinner at Pikabu Bistro.

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