Friday, July 20, 2012

West Coast -- Crater Lake

Monday morning we headed from Diamond Lake Lodge up to Crater Lake. After stopping at one of the overlooks, we were driving along the narrow roads when we suddenly looked up and saw a van that looked just like Grandma and Grandpa's, pulling into an overlook area. We all commented on it, that it looked just like their van, and then we looked closer..... and saw that it was actually them!!! They had thought we were going to be on the boat to Wizard Island, so didn't expect to see us (they'd been looking down at the boat moments before and imagining that we were probably on it!) and we didn't even know they were going to be at Crater Lake at all, so we were completely surprised to see them. We all had a good laugh and visited a couple of overlook spots together before parting ways again. We had lunch at Crater Lake Lodge before heading out towards Sara and Noah's. We reached their house in Keizer around 9 or so after stopping in Eugene for dinner. We got to talking the girls started running around with Lilla and Clara. The next thing we new, it was 11:30! Finally we got all the kids down and then proceeded to stay up talking until 3am. Always so great to see those guys!

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