Sunday, July 8, 2012

West Coast (5) Brunch at the Krentzes and to Portland

Tuesday we got up early and spent an hour or so at Curtis' coffee shop before we headed to Kevin and Ursi's for brunch. It was so great to have a bit of extra time with Janet. I also spied some art in that coffeeshop that I've been coveting ever since. Hmm..... Ursi put out an incredible spread for us. The kids had fun hanging out together again and we got to catch up with the Krentzes. When we left there, Jonathan went up to UW to see David Notkin for a bit. During that time I took the girls and drove them by Jonathan's and my old house when we lived in Seattle. It was fun to see that the current tenants are actually taking care of all the rose bushes I planted there. The last time I went by, it was all overgrown and looked really scary. Fun to see it looking like a beautiful yard again. The afternoon took us down to Portland--we didn't calculate that there would be an amazing amount of traffic due to it being the day before the 4th. It took us too long to drive, but we got to Brandon and Shelley's with no mishaps around 7pm. A bit of visiting and to bed.

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