Sunday, July 8, 2012

West Coast (7) Seeing Lori and to Ashland

Thursday morning we were able to see Lori for a few hours before heading down to Ashland. We met at her house and had originally planned to go into the city for lunch, etc., but since my head was still throbbing, we kept it lowkey and stayed close to home. The kids had a blast running around like crazy outside. It was great to catch up with Lori and brainstorm a little about her trip out to Pgh this Fall. We're so excited that she is going to come do a concert both in our house and at our church. We got a late start on our drive to Ashland, but it was a beautiful day and the drive was great. We found a nice little Thai restaurant in Grants Pass where we ate our dinner. At Nancy's we all crashed in the little bedroom the first night since there were lots of guests.

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