Sunday, July 8, 2012

West Coast (1) Flying to Seattle

My Facebook post on the morning of our flight out of Pittsburgh: Well, so far we have survived a pee accident in the pgh airport, having a yogurt parfait explode in the bag with the rest of our breakfast while on the plane, and having a water bottle leak in our carry on bag. This, however, is not dampening our spirits. We are on VACATION! :-) We got to Chicago, where they changed our gate four times and delayed our flight by a couple of hours. Then, just when we were boarding there was a big electrical storm that kept the ground crew from doing their prep for the flight. After sitting on the plane for two hours after boarding, we finally took off and made it to Seattle without a hitch. We had hoped to arrive mid-afternoon to Bellingham, but with the flight delay we didn't get there until Katrina's rehearsal dinner was well underway. We went straight there, had amazing food, saw a bunch of people and then went and crashed at Nana and Bob's house.

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