Monday, July 23, 2012

West Coast -- Glacier

When we left Rod and Stacy's in Spokane, we drove through the beautiful area around Couer d'Alene and into Montana, stopping for dinner at Blue Canyon in Kalispell (yum!!). We are staying at the Tamarack cabins in Hungry Horse. It's very close to the west entrance to Glacier park and yesterday we drove up and did the Avalanche Lake hike. We were all a bit nervous about bears, so we picked up a canister of bear spray and that relieved a lot of concern. The girls were total troopers and did the whole hike without being carried at all. The lake sits in a spectacular basin with waterfalls cascading down every wall. When we got back to camp around 8pm Nana and Bob had arrived and already had a fire roaring for our hot dog and marshmallow roast. We were at the camp community fire pit and others joined us later on--we met and visited with some really nice folks and the kids had fun playing on the giant swing that's big enough for a mama bear and her two cubs (really!) Later that night we had fun looking through our cards that show all the National Parks. The girls are excited about visiting the parks so hopefully we can incorporate many of them into our trips over the upcoming years.

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