Sunday, April 12, 2015

Social butterflies

This last week in Santiago we've been quite the socialites, with dinner invitations every single night!

Paulina, one of the piano professors at the University of Chile invited us to her home on Wednesday night.  She and Carina cooked an amazing meal for us, and we also got to meet Carina's sister.  They all speak English, so it made for a fun evening for J and the girls.   Added bonus, I got to play on a real piano for a few minutes!

On Thursday we went to the home of Mauricio and his family (his daughter Anto was the girls' babysitter in the summer.)  We didn't manage to get any pics of the people, but we did photograph the Chilean wine we were drinking.

On Friday we went to the home of J's sabbatical host--the same friends who we went to the beach with over Easter.  The kids had a blast playing together one last time.  The little guy in the foreground was a neighbor over for playtime.

There was also a spectacular sunset which we could see right from their living room window.

Saturday afternoon we hung out with the friends that we met in Torres del Paine on the boat tour to Glacier Grey.  They came up to Santiago this weekend to run the marathon.  We met them in a cute little park in the El Golf neighborhood and then went briefly to their in-law's apartment before we headed home.

Saturday evening we were invited to Orion and Paulina's place and they had invited several other musician friends so that we would have a chance to meet them.  It was such a fun little party, and they even got me a birthday cake!!!

Today, Sunday, we met one last time with Paulina and Carina at Galindo's, right in our neighborhood,  for some typical Chilean food that we hadn't had a chance to try yet.

Porotos (actually I did find this combination of ingredients at the feria one time and cooked them myself, but I didn't have the right seasonings to make them in the authentic Chilean fashion).  These were mmm mmm good!

Humitas--these are a little like tamales, but rather than having a filling, the flavoring is mixed in with the actual corn.  They don't use sweet corn here, but apparently in the south of Chile everyone puts sugar on their humitas.  We tried that, and it came out tasting a little bit closer to sweet corn tamales.  Super delicious!

I also put pebre on mine, which is kind of like pico de gallo.  It's slightly different
everywhere you go, but the pebre at this place was quite delicious.

Paulina and Carina even surprised me with a beautiful handmade Chilean sweater for my birthday!  I could hardly believe it!

Now we have a low-key evening planned, which will be good since all our adventures this week kept us out until 11pm or later every single night.  The girls are DONE and need to rest before we spend our full night on the plane tomorrow night.

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