Monday, January 19, 2015

The perfect Sunday

Yesterday was one of the most pleasant and lovely days in recent memory.  After a lazy morning at home (clarification:  Jonathan went for a 2-hr run, but *some* of us had a lazy morning....) we met Eric and Carolina for lunch.  Eric is Jonathan's colleague and sabbatical host at the University of Chile.  Their little daughter is as sweet as can be and the girls had fun playing with her.  We ate at a marvelous place called Mestizo, right on the edge of the Parque Bicentenario, an innovative concept in urban green spaces.  After our beautiful meal, we spent the rest of the afternoon lounging about in the park with the girls.


Our view of Parque Bicentenario from the terraza

All tuckered out at the end of the day
Apparently all evening following our outing, Eric's little daughter kept asking where her "cousins who speak English" had gone.  :-)

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