Sunday, June 9, 2013

Pgh to DC bike trip--final day

Last day on the trail!  Paul, Sheena and I left from the Lockhouse around 8:30am and stopped at Great Falls to meet the rest of the gang. After a short hangout we rode about 9 miles further and stopped again so Jonathan and the girls could join us for the last stretch. Lots of pedestrian dodging, but it was so fun rolling into DC on our bikes!  We had to search a bit for the Zero mile marker of the C&O towpath but eventually we found it, tucked around the corner from a kayak rental operation. We took lots of pictures and then pedaled on up to the Lincoln Memorial where mom and dad were waiting. They were camera-ready and snapped a bunch of shots of our bike caravan rolling into the plaza. 

We did it!!!!!  Sheena is the only one who rode every single mile of the trip so she's dubbed the queen of the trail.  Yay for Sheena!!!

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